About half a year after I came to live with mommy and daddy, Ms T called and asked if they could help her make more room for other doggies, by being a "foster" mom and dad. So off we
went in the Big Green Machine. I stayed inside while they petted a lot of the doggies. Then they brought me out to meet Pedley.
He was pretty cool. We played for a bit, but he was a little shy with me.
Mommy was worried about his eye's, but Ms T explained that us doggies have 2 lids, and his doggie lid had to be cut down to stay open. She said when he gained his weight back, his face would fill in and his eyes would look better. Mommy soon came to love his eye's. At first I didnt like having to share mommy
and daddy with another pup. He was a bit taller than me, and younger, but I could run circles around him. He was so mellow, mommy would walk him without needing a leash. After awhile I got used to him, and we rested together a lot. Peoples thought we were brother and sister since we were the same color. Mommy said this was a "mirror" picture. I am on the left. He was a pretty cool dude, but so dumb sometimes. When mommy or daddy would tell him to sit he would stare at them. But when they yelled at me, he would do anything they told ME to do. Dumb pup. Then mommy and daddy went on their annual trip a few months later. Me and Pedley got to go stay with Ms T and all the other big doggies. The next day some peoples came and paid a lot of attention to Pedley. I heard Ms T trying to call Mommy and daddy but couldnt find them. After
all us doggies came back into the house, I couldnt find Pedley. I kept going to the door to tell Ms T she left him outside. Each time we all went out again, I would look everywhere for him, but he never came back. When mommy and daddy came to pick me up, I was so happy I ran to the Big Green Machine to see if Pedley was with them, but he wasnt there either. Ms T said something to them about "adoption". I didnt know what that meant, but mommy cried all the way home. I was sad too. Me and her stayed sad for about a week, then mommy and daddy finally understood and told me that Pedley had found a FOREVER home and was real happy with 3 other doggies. After that I was happy to have mommy and daddy all to myself again.
Pedley we still miss you but are happy that you have lots of brothers and sisters and a BIG family now! Love Sasha the Princess and her mommy and daddy!
Awww Pedley is adorable. It must have been so sad to see him get adopted, but I'm sure he's in a really good forever home. Maybe you will see Pedley again one day.
Awe, your mum is special Sasha...I would get to attached and want to keep them all, which isnt a good thing...Its a brilliant woman who can give love to a dog and let them go to their forever home, such a gift... Do you ever hear of Pedley...I wonder how he is doing...
Ms T. has stayed in touch with Pedley's new mamma. In fact she came back and adopted another Dane doggie like us, so he has another brother or sister. I am sure there is a lot of love going on at his new home.
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