Mommy signed us up for a goodie exchange, so last night I finally took mommy to the goodie store to shop. We hopped into the green machine and left dumb Max in the dust...
I directed mommy to the fun store for doggies and other furry things:

How about these toys mommy?
Oh, yummy treats? Can I have one? What, you said their mommy said low cal eerie? Whats that? Doesnt sound like fun!

Oh look, there is another furry almost my size. Will they like him too?

What's in the bag mom? Huh? Huh? Is it for me? Huh? Huh? Can I have some? What, its for some doggies in Jorja?

And guess where Daddy was? Same place he has been every night. Under the Black machine!

BARK- Sasha the Princes
PS-- from mommy--- Ezzy Rider and Jaggers, be on the lookout for some goodies that a person in a Uniform that makes you bark, will bring to you!
Oooh, a goodie exchange, sounds like fun. where do you sign up for that??
WHat's up with your dad sleeping under the big black thing? Maybe he wishes he had a crate.
We got it, we got our package..Photos are coming....Thank-you so much...
Mom is having a little problem with the camera....As soon as we saw the package we knew it was for us. Ezzy grabbed it in his mouth and ripped the package as Jag watched. Then the cookies popped out and it was a good time for all. The Twinkie and cupcake made a big hit. I am trying to teach these boys to share...LOL..Photos will be posted soon ......
I love your commentary on the photos!! So funny. Sounds like you had a pretty fun day.
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