Our friends in Hawaii sent us a ward. We are suppose to tell you 10 things.
So we want to share:

1. I am a good doggie when mommy takes me shopping. I only smell the treats, and dont try to eat them, unless mommy puts it in my mouth.

2. I love to go for rides in the big green machine.

3. A good doggie does meditations thinking about life and bones.

4. Me and my brother Max dont snuggle, but I will let him lay near me.

5. Smart doggies take the time to smell the roses.

6. Mommy's paw is the same size as ours!

7. Every once in awhile, a doggie needs a good strong drink.

8. Neither of us like hooman fur!!! YUCK!

9. We dont like the big hole in the ground with water. It is too scary.

10. But I like the moving water and squishy dirt!
Thank you
Huey and Higgens!! BARK! Sasha the Princess
Hi Sasha,
I loved hearing your 'honest things' and learning more about you! I think my favourite picture is the one of you and your human's paw...wow! I must try that with my human sometime and see how I measure up!
Honey the Great Dane
You do have a big paw and look at those nails! :) What a good girl to not put treats in your mouth at the store. :)
Car rides are so much fun! That big water hole does look scary. You need a little pool like I have that only goes up to your lovely ankles.
Congrats on your award! We're still working on the post where we accept the award you gave us. Sorry it's taking a long time. We got busy with Princeton's first birthday!
Today I posted your award with some nice comments and links to your blog. Come visit and check it out. We haven't heard from you in a while, and hope that all is well.
That was cool hearing all of your honest scrap confessions. I got that award, but haven't posted my answers yet (oops).
Sounds like you have a fun life and some great parents.
Behr Behr :)
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