Monday, March 22, 2010


Mommy made me get back on the puter to ensure everyone that I am NOT (did you read that, NOT!) being ignored. Her and daddy have made a point to play catch and tug with me everyday with my tuggy toy. That is on top of my morning walkies and sniffies. As evidence of my royal spoildom, here it is:

Each night before mommy goes to bed, she gets me settled and covers me with this comfy blanket. If she does not do this, I will pace around the lair, making clicking noises with my paws, until someone comes and tucks me me. Daddy told mommy she was spoiling me, but then shortly after, dad came out to tuck me in. He finally realized this is what it takes for me to go to sleepies the same time they go to the masters lair.
BARK! Sasha the Princess

Sunday, March 21, 2010


BARK! Hello everyone, I am still here. Mommy has been real busy lately and has not helped me get my big paws on the 'puter. She said nothing exciting has happened, and she hasnt felt too creative. I dont know what she is talking about, because I think I am pretty darned exciting! Oh well, we will be back soon.
BARK! Sasha the Princess!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Lots of stuff...

Daddy got a new lair on wheels. Mommy says daddy looks HOT now. But it has been cold outside lately, so I dont think daddy is too hot right now.

Mommy had a bark day. Her mommy sent her a box to open, so mommy said she needed help from the princess opening it. I got my nose right in there...
and ripped the paper right out. I sure did. I was a great help to mommy!

But I dont understand why she laughed so hard. She kept laughing and laughing, so I had to help her some more. "Come on Mommy, open your treat!"

I tried to smell the goodness of it, but there was no yummy smell. Hoomans get the boryest treats!
"What is in mommy? Something to carry MY treats in?"

Later daddy was trying to do some "hunee doo" stuff for mommy. But I wanted to play!
Daddy and me had a bark off!
Then he finally gave in and played with me.

But I fell down and didnt want to play anymore. So I just watched daddy work.
I had a fun weekend. Daddy said he will have to take me for a ride in his new lair.
BARK! Sasha the Princess